Cool Puzzles and Toys
This web site is devoted to cool puzzles and
toys that don't use magnets. (If you like magnets, check out Magnet
Man). I have enjoyed discovering the world of
pentominoes, and have some great links to pentomino solvers and artwork. I
also have information on some interesting toys for the executive's
Have fun!
Rick Hoadley
Last updated: 11/26/03. More to come!
Executive toys
- Fun items for the
top of your desk
- Euler's Disk
- Illusion Kaleidoscope
- Gyro-Ring
- Mini Rubik's Cube
- Magic Sand Wand
- Slipper or Water Wiggler
- Soma Cube
- Wooden Puzzles
- Tri-Zonal Space Warper
- Twin Tangle
- Wire Puzzle
- Klixx
- Drinking Bird
- Rattleback or Celt
- Jacob's Ladder
- Moving Spool
- Pendulum Man
- Tops
- Hour Glass
- Fly Shooter
- Swiss Card
- Flashing Ball
- Tangle Puzzle
- Roller Ball
- Radiometer
- Hydro Gyro
- Marble Twister
- Atomic Clock
- Staple-less Stapler
- Slinky
- Tetris Cube
- Oloid from Kuboid
- Mettal Puzzle
- Blokus
- WanderFly, Fun Flystick
- Cyclone Puzzle
- Paper PaperClips
Do you have other puzzles or toys that should be mentioned here or linked
Let me know what you think. Drop
me a note!